I read the recent article in the Sun Journal about how the Minot tax bill might go higher (Oct. 29). I’m very upset that the attitude of the Board of Selectmen seems to be that we should just come to the town meeting in March.

Well, first of all, how does waiting until March pay our taxes in January?

My husband and I refinanced our house in August of last year. The appraisal came in at $92,000. So how can the town of Minot place a value of $129,000? If I could get $129,000, I would sell in a heartbeat.

It’s sad that our selectmen seem to be looking out only for themselves and not the people who are struggling to live in this behind-the-time town that tries to have a budget like a big city.

By waiting until March, selectmen are saying “Who cares about you right now?” The difference in value needs to be fixed right now. I know I don’t have the extra $500 or $1,000 that is going to be needed.

Perhaps selectmen also need to look into why everyone is selling their homes and leaving Minot. I bet it may have something to do with higher taxes.

Tina Hanscome, Minot

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