WILTON – Planners will consider five applications when they meet at 7 p.m. Thursday at the town office.

One application was tabled from the last meeting to allow time to gather information from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

At the last meeting, Dennis Landry told planners he wants to build a driveway on a lot he recently purchased with frontage on Wilson Lake. Landry said he plans to build a guest cottage on the property at some point, but would not use the driveway to access his existing house lot, adjacent to the new lot.

Residents told planners they are concerned about contamination to the lake and wildlife in the area.

Code Enforcement officer Brenda Medcoff said Landry would be required to meet certain requirements in order to minimize any drainage in to the lake.

Planners and Medcoff agreed that there is nothing in the town’s ordinance that would stop Landry from building the driveway unless DEP refused to allow it. They agreed to do a site visit and table the issue until they could get information back from DEP.

Terry Bickford wants a permit to operate Bickford’s Construction where Karkos Heating is, on Route 2 in Wilton.

Gerald Skinner filed an application to operate the old Ironside Gym downtown at 327 Main St.

Mary Beane also wants a permit to operate a business, a commercial kitchen and eventually a retail bakery and deli. It would be located at 514 Main St.

Lee Rollings wants permission to do earth moving and filling around a foundation at 7 Camp Road. The work would involve more than 15 cubic feet of gravel.

In other business, planners will continue working on taking information out of the zoning ordinance that conflicts with a newly enacted subdivision ordinance, the possibility of increasing the number of hours Code Enforcement Officer Medcoff works in order to address violations, the enforcement of junkyard violations, and possible ordinance changes for setback requirements from the water in the downtown area.

Other issues include changes to the land use table, Routes 2 and 4 access management, regulations around signs that advertise brand name products, shoreland expansions, and cluster development.

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