“The first job of a conspiracy is to convince you that there is no conspiracy.” (Eric Jon Phelps).

But America is sliding into the pit fast and everybody knows it. Pat Truman of Hallowell once asked: “If all the changes in America are just the natural result of decay or evolution as the liberals claim, then why aren’t there any accidents in favor of the people’s freedoms once in a while?” Instead, freedoms are taken away.

To which I add another question: Why is it that all our national leaders who have been with us for decades, such as Ted Kennedy, have somehow forgotten how to run a free and successful nation? And the liberals keep smirking that there is no conspiracy.

Yes, Virginia, there is a conspiracy and until America begins to focus past the false media smoke screens onto the destruction of our Constitution and re-dedicate our efforts to save it from the New World Order, our degeneracy will continue. No degeneracy continues indefinitely. When the parasite kills the host organism, both die. Mathew 24 and Revelation from our Bible foretell our future if these shadows be not mended.

Merry Conspiracy and Happy New Failures!

Bah! Humbug!

Bruce Acheson, Mexico

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