A fungi called “greedy special interests” has taken over our White House.

Some of our politicians affected by this disease need to rid themselves from this sickness. We the people want our White House back. The lobbyists are just like bees, if you take away their nest, they can’t make the honey.

We are sending politicians to Washington to represent us, not the special interests. We need to put our politicians on the very same health and welfare plan as the citizens. We will also determine what their salaries and expenses should be.

We need to disinfect the White House from these pollutants also known as corporate greed. Oil, drug and insurance companies have too much power. Government calls the shots, and we pay the consequences.

We have too many lawyers on Capitol Hill and not enough doctors caring for veterans. If only we could rewrite parts of the Constitution in such a way that lawyers couldn’t manipulate the wording. We need to unite both parties as one. Stop pork-barrel spending.

In ending, I have a question for thought. A Democrat president working with a Republican vice president or vice versa, “no favoritism.” How about Kerry and McCain?

Think about it.
Joe Voisine, Lewiston

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