There are several items of interest on the upcoming Monmouth town meeting warrant. Some would argue that building projects belong on a secret ballot; the selectmen have voted to place these items on the town meeting floor. All previous building projects have been openly discussed and voted at town meeting.

In 1960, Monmouth had around 1,700 residents. Today, we have nearly 4,000. The demands placed on town services have increased. That includes police, fire, rescue and public works. In 1960, the Fire Department responded to around 40 calls for service; today they respond to over 100 calls per year. Today, the Police Department answers almost 4,000 calls for service per year. Monmouth Rescue also answers about 300 calls per year.

Let’s face reality – times change. Demands on town services have increased, as does the need to upgrade equipment and buildings. We must look to the future and plan ahead. Let’s not make the same mistake as others before us and build a building that does not meet our future needs.

For example, look at the “new” town office, constructed only 12 years ago. By 2000, that building was already filled to capacity, with no thoughts toward expanding or the future. Today there is still no future plan to expand, just short-term fixes.

Monmouth is not the same town today as it was yesterday. Things are not going to get cheaper if we wait. The town’s needs will continue to grow and so must its facilities.
Stanley Walker, Monmouth

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