I’m amazed that the Democratic Party has decided they want to give us “tax relief” by raising the sales tax.

The belief that property taxes will go down and each family will pay less is a false statement. Democrats should follow the leadership of the governor and say “no” to any new taxes.

The only way to help property taxes is to force the schools and towns to run as a business. Also, if Maine decided to to fulfill its promise of funding the schools at 55 percent, that would help. I believe that each and every legislator who supports an increase in sales tax will be an easy target next election. The people in Maine do not want any increases in taxes.

Let’s face it, when money in the past was supposed to be appropriated a certain way, we all know that it has been used for the general fund. Legislators must be brave and represent the people and not put a bandage on a large problem that this state believes in: spend, then raise taxes.

They would be amazed at the support from normal people in cutting services and streamlining the government. That is what we do in the business world when things are tight.

The people are tired of more taxes or new taxes. This will be seen as another way that the state gets money and they can promise all they want that it will go to property tax relief, but people will see through it.
Mark Cyr, Oxford

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