Perhaps the abuses of prisoners in Iraq are a result of Bush policies toward the prisoners and even American citizens at Guantanamo Bay.

These prisoners were held incommunicado, without the knowledge of their families as to their whereabouts, and with no legal assistance.

Also the Bush administration paid a bounty to Iraqis to betray and kill Saddam Hussein’s sons. Then the media gloated and showed humiliating pictures of Hussein over and over again; then we wonder why Iraqis hate us.

Today, 40 Iraqis were killed. I read too that some of the civilians at the prison are former police officers.

Perhaps they profiled blacks and others and abused them in our country. Perhaps the military abusers were following the leadership in the Pentagon and the vice president, and thought they would be praised instead of censured. The Guantanamo case is being heard at the Supreme Court.

Joanna Walsh-Ward, Lewiston

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