Steady leadership, as President Bush likes to bill himself, would be great if we were going in the right direction, instead of down the tubes!

Do Americans have to be as dumb as the president not to see this by now? This sort of unquestioning stupidity has nothing to do with patriotism, any more than these frat boys running this country into the ground have anything to do with “conservatism.”

Or maybe, like ole Barb Bush, you think you shouldn’t waste your “beautiful mind” on ugly realities. (“Why should we hear about body bags and deaths,” Barbara Bush said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” on March 18, 2003. “Oh, I mean, it’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?”)

Are Americans finally starting to wake up?

Enough already, that our children and grandchildren will still be paying off the damage done to our economy and our position – not to mention safety – in the world. We can’t even be sure it’ll still be a democracy we’re paying for.

If we don’t succeed in throwing Bush and his company out in November, it may well be our last election in which case, the terrorists have won.

Bia Winter, Mount Vernon

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