Several of us have been actively involved in trying to close a motorcycle track owned by Longchamps Construction near our homes.

This track is located in a commercial zone and to be able to continue as a nonconforming use, the owners had to prove that it was there prior to 1975 and had been in regular use.

We conceded that the track had been built prior to the zoning change. However, we argued the track had not been used regularly ever year.

The noise has been so excessive that any outside activities had to be moved inside. Windows must be kept closed and radios or televisions must be on not to hear noise from the track.

We appealed to the codes office of Lisbon. We presented our case, and lost.

Our next option was to appeal the decision. There were several obstacles. Two members were absent, to start.

As the meeting was about to start, the chairman made a disclosure that he was the deputy code officer’s brother-in-law. We could object, which would mean there would not be a quorum, and the meeting would have to be rescheduled.

We let the appeal go forward and lost.

There are several types of pollution. The ones we normally think about are air, water and ground pollution. Make no mistake, noise pollution is prevalent.

We must act now or our right of peace, quiet and enjoyment in our homes will suffer.

Ronald Poulin, Lisbon

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