Apparently President Bush is not able to comprehend the impact of his negligence with regard to our oil problems. Are the oil PACs so powerful that they can and do manipulate the policies or lack thereof? With gasoline prices hitting record highs all over the nation, we need to ask ourselves what is really going on.

The impact of these ridiculous gasoline prices can be felt everywhere. Let us look, however, at the main thing that makes our great state of Maine thrive, namely tourism. Our tourist flow will be lighter this year thanks to this horrible negligence in the White House. Those tourists who do brave the gas prices will find higher prices in the supermarkets as well, higher prices at the clothing stores, higher prices at the restaurants, all because of higher fuel prices. Higher prices will mean less spending while here, which means the state will collect less taxes.

Someone needs to get the message to the White House that some attention needs to be paid to the endless upward spiral of gasoline prices, and that they need to stop paying their homage to the oil PACs and need to start paying a lot more attention to the pleas of their constituents. Just like they got into office, they can be removed, and this whole gasoline issue smacks badly of some kind of political action group interest sitting right in the White House. Need I say more?

Kenneth Chances, Lewiston

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