I was at the Auburn budget meeting June 7. I had not attended one before, and I was impressed by the turnout. The audience was in favor of the City Council funding the school budget. Many who spoke talked about classes that would not be offered and about teachers and staff who would not be hired or replaced.

I was a little distressed by this because the school board already told teachers and staff they were to be let go when the school year was over. The budget vote had not even taken place.

If the budget passes, with the monies needed by the school board, would the school board go back to all those who were let go and say they didn’t mean it and they all had their jobs back?

It sure looks like no matter how much money the school budget would receive, those cuts would have been made anyway. Raising taxes, like Councilor Mennealy suggests, isn’t the answer. Who can go to the schools where no one can afford to live?

Bruce Gerry, Auburn

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