There is a serious misconception being heralded today by our media that the United States is a democracy, which means “rule by majority,” when in fact we are a federal republic, which means “rule by law.”

Even though we do have some democratic institutions, such as voting in “free” public elections and representational government, our Founding Fathers carefully ensured that we were not a democracy because they recognized that majority rule would quickly degenerate into mob-ocracy and then into tyranny.

Pure democracy is a lynch mob and is a danger to freedom just as deadly as that represented by the worst despotism. Democracy is best described as three wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for dinner.

Our founders knew that past democracies, such as Athens, Sparta and Rome, always quickly became tyrannies. Rule by law means that everyone is fairly treated by equal due process, not by mob rule, and that powers of governments are restricted in favor of personal liberties.

But it is a prime tenet of the Communist Manifesto to make a republic believe it is a democracy through a controlled press so the people can be more easily propagandized into socialism, which is exactly what is happening now in the United States.

This manipulative principle is openly declared in the Communist Manifesto.

Founding Father Alexander Hamilton said: “We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in Despotism or in the extremes of Democracy.”

Robert Bruce Acheson, Mexico

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