In a Sun Journal letter, June 5, titled “Tears shed,” Mehrene Larudee of Lewiston criticized Cindie Coulombe of Dixfield for saying in her letter, June 1, headlined “Outrage,” “no Arabs or Muslims have shed tears for al-Qaida’s crimes” and then asserts that many did “express deep regrets” not reported by the media or missed by Coulombe.

To this I would like to make the following comments:

Cindie Coulombe did not talk about “deep regrets” or “shed tears” but about moral outcries and outrage, which was not seen worldwide in the Muslim and Arab world on a massive scale as street demonstrations and passionate protests by leaders and influential clerics.

These reactions are only seen when America and Israel fight back after the declaration of war by the Islamist terrorists and their unspeakable, barbaric crimes.

In their madrassa schools, they are teaching their young “to kill infidels and all Americans and Jews,” and they are pronouncing it publicly – all in the name of Allah.

One would think that all Muslims and Arabs would make their disgust with these usurpers of their religion absolutely clear to the world – daily and on a massive scale, so it cannot be missed by anyone.

Just as I finished writing this letter comes news of the savage beheading of Paul Johnson by self-declared “holy warriors.”

We are now waiting for the worldwide outrage of the “Arab street,” Muslims and clerics against this latest barbarity committed in the name of Allah and the Muslim religion.

Klaus D. Kuck, Lewiston

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