WILTON – Planners will deal with three new applications when they meet Thursday.

Michael LeBlanc wants to build a 25-foot-by-48-foot greenhouse at 357 McCrillis Corner Road. LeBlanc is also asking for a use permit to run a business growing seedlings and produce.

Allan and Julie Sawyer are proposing to build a storage building at 16 Bryant Road. The property is in a commercial zone.

In other business, planners intend to elect officers for the coming year.

Selectmen appointed new members to the Planning Board last week. Selectman Keith Swett, who is a former Planning Board member, and Town Manager Peter Nielsen will research the legality of selectmen serving on the Planning Board before Swett decides whether he will return to the Planning Board.

Planning Board Chairman Russell Black, a newly elected selectman, wants to resign from the Planning Board. But he wants Swett to come back first because the board will be going through a transition with new members.

Swett’s Planning Board term expired June 30, along with that of planner Mike Sherrod. Bernal Allen resigned his position due to health reasons, and Ted Keiler is expected to leave at the end of this month.

Officials reappointed Sherrod. Alternate member Sheryl Mosher was pushed up to full-time member status.

Mike Leary was appointed as a new full-time member, and Joe Marston was appointed as an alternate. Former Selectman George Mosher was also appointed to an alternate’s position.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the Town Office.

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