I just read another article about how thrilling it is that we are getting more pictures of Saturn.

I would like somebody to explain to me, why we, the taxpayers, are spending billions of dollars in space. As what I would call a small group of scientists are really the only ones who care.

There is no way that we as humans could live on the moon, Mars or Saturn without a cost of billions of dollars. Even if we could, it would be only a chosen few.

The scientists say it is to learn how we came to be. What do we care? We’re here. I think that money could be used to help change this world we live in. Not some world we can’t.

I’m all for science, if it is doing something worthwhile, like fighting disease, pollution, creating energy, saving lives, saving this world. We give, through grants, scientists millions and millions of dollars to desecrate burial grounds that are thousands of years old and hundreds of years old, such as American Indian graves. This is all in the name of science. If I did that, they would jail me.

I, for one, am sick of all this money being spent for nothing.

Sam Knight, Harrison

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