I believe President Bush is trashing America. Venomous ads against Sen. Kerry are the worst ever. Now the Bush campaign is trashing Kerry’s wife with lies. Isn’t it enough they are trying to discredit Kerry’s war record as they did Sen. McCain?

Why doesn’t Bush approve more federal funding for stem cell research to help people suffering from diabetes and other debilitating illnesses? Scientists tell us that research can do that.

While he wines and dines and goes fishing, millions of Americans have no jobs. He doesn’t take time to attend even one funeral of our troops.

Over 800 dead and 5,000 of our troops severely wounded for what? I wouldn’t want my child sacrificed for Iraq.

Four more years of Bush? Four more years of disaster.

If we are going to save our country, we need to get Bush out of the White House.

Patricia Joseph Adams, Lewiston

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