So Vice President Dick Cheney thinks John Kerry is not fit for command?

This is the man who blindly boosted “star wars” in the summer of 2001 while terrorists planned their attack; who saw links between al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein that did not exist (according to the bipartisan, Sept. 11 commission); who said Saddam Hussein was building nuclear weapons when he was not (according to the International Atomic Energy Agency); who thought Ahmed Chalabi was an honest man who could succeed Saddam as Iraq’s leader (the administration now suspects he leaked U.S. secrets to Iran – talk about flip-flops); who thought a vast majority of Iraqis would regard U.S. troops as liberators (most did for a while, and some still do, but the majority now want us to leave, according to recent polls); and who insisted the occupation would be relatively easy (it might have been easier had the administration actually planned for it).

Now, instead of ensuring that Afghanistan would not be a haven for terrorists, the Taliban is regaining a foothold there, and Cheney and Bush have allowed it to create a new haven in Fallujah.

In short, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, never in the history of U.S. foreign policy has one man been so wrong about so much so frequently and to such great cost.

Given Cheney’s record, I can only conclude that Kerry would make an ideal commander in chief.

James Richter, Lewiston

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