How sad it was to read about George “Buster” Downing resigning. I don’t know why. But if I had to work with all the liberal spenders, I would too.

Our tax rate could be under $10 per $1,000, but every department wants to waste. Look at the Highway Department. All the trucks and equipment going up and down the road. Waste! Waste!

Now you can’t cross the street because everyone is speeding. Does anybody care?

School Department. I look across the street every day. There again, only one man, Steve Holbrook, cares where our tax money is going.

After the botched cleaning job cost $14,000, did anyone get fired? No. Just the taxpayer.

How about the brush pile? The school board didn’t care about the cost of cutting trees on the front lawn. They had their best chance to make an exit on top of the hill with visibility on both sides. Someone on the school board or selectmen’s board decided to put in a ball field instead. Years ago, we, the taxpayers, decided to get this field away from the road. Let’s waste the money!

Instead of making a parking lot to get cars off Shaw Hill Road, I understand the Planning Board is still wasting taxpayer money on the Hemond racetrack.

Now is the time for all taxpayers to reduce selectmen to three people. School board to three people. If you don’t like three people per board, quit. This town is run by hardworking farmers not lawyers.

Wilfred A. Meunier, Minot

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