To outraged letter writer Ms. Virginia Leonard of Poland (Oct. 11), I would like to say public funds are not financing the television ads, unlike the proponents of the Fair Bear Hunting initiative whose primary means of financial support comes from the Humane Society of the United States.

The HSUS’ avowed mission is to stop all hunting and fishing in this country. If you doubt me, check out their Web site and some of the statements issued by their leader, Wayne Parcelle. I did and that’s why I will vote no on Question 2.

Do you have a better way to control our large bear population? Perhaps you think rampant disease or starvation would be a better alternative to this problem. Until you really investigate this issue, you’re letting your emotions get in the way of good judgment. You owe it to all Maine citizens to check this out before election. I’m glad I did.

Pat Carter, Bethel

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