I am writing to you with some concern. It has been bothering me for a long time.

I was wondering why it is that students from Bates College can get away with taking all the parking places on Campus Avenue to College and all of College? Plus, they can get away with parking in a two-hour parking area for as long as they want without being towed or getting a ticket.

Plus, they can park on the side of the street for days at a time without getting a ticket, when we, who live here, get one for parking for three or more days in one place. They take all the places on one side of College and Campus so we, who live here, have no place to park or we, who live in the area, have to find another place to park.

It seems Bates could build their students a place to park. Or, if these people can find a place to park in the wintertime, they could do it all school year.

Also, why should they have a right to vote on city items or state items, when someone who lives here, pays taxes here and just because they are not a citizen, they can’t vote on anything?

Joanne Berube, Lewiston

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