Letters from Oct. 2, written by Suzanne Dunham of Greenwood and Larry Mayes of Lewiston, caught my eye as they bashed our president, and I agree with them 100 percent. They’re worth reading!

Suzanne wondered why people still support Bush. If things are bad now, Bush blames President Clinton, who left him with a $300 billion surplus, created 23 million jobs, and the stock market was over 10,000. That’s bad?

The president has had almost four years to fix this bad economy, but he hasn’t done a thing for the average American.

An amount of $422 billion in the red is an all time high, and how these Republicans got to be known as conservatives baffles me.

Mr. Mayes, a former Republican, has known the Bush family since 1963 and knows what they’re all about. This war is all about oil, with a pipeline all the way to Russia.

If people value their benefits, think twice at the polls, because Bush’s goals are to privatize anything he can.

Republicans should ask themselves: Where was Colin Powell during the convention? And now?

Louis Godin, Lewiston

Editor’s note: Mr. Godin’s letter that appeared Oct. 20 was erroneously edited. It is reprinted here in its correct form.

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