It is not with anger but with sadness that I read the Sunday (Nov. 7) column by Executive Editor Rex Rhoades. I am a 63-year-old Christian husband and the father of two beautiful daughters, one of whom has given me two grandchildren. I resent being called, because of my faith, an ayatollah, a jihadist and a mullah whose intentions are to force my faith, morals and values on society.

Today, thankfully, the political correctness movement has caused a dramatic decrease in words and acts against most minorities in this state. However, Christians are still fair game for the liberal left to publicly despise and demean.

Christian schoolchildren in this state are ridiculed by both their peers and teachers because of their faith. Hate crimes appear to be on the rise against Christians and churches. One need not wonder why. One has but to open this newspaper to the opinion page to find the answer.

Lawrence Austin, Norway

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