I guess living in Maine has given me a false sense of how respectful the people in other states are of others’ ideas, faiths and beliefs.

Most commentators and pundits agree that it was the “moral issues” in at least 11 states that brought about the outpouring of “moral” votes for re-electing Mr. Bush. I find that frightening.

Do Republicans think they have a monopoly on family morals? Is a same-sex marriage worse to them than the kids dying and being wounded in Iraq? Does a good job and taking care of your family mean less than being a Republican or a Democrat? Is stem-cell research that cures a disease less moral than our men getting killed and wounded in a senseless occupation? Is being out of work something to be proud of? Does a man who claims to talk to God really belong in the highest office in the land?

I was in two wars and never once did the men dying or being wounded beside me ever say they were there because their God told them to kill other men or because they were promised some kind of heaven. They were there to protect their families, all Americans and to preserve our way of life – and because somebody attacked us first.

But, being a good American, in spite of my disappointment, I will support our president and hope that we will all give him the help he needs.

Dick Rosenberg, Lewiston

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