Kenneth L. Murray’s Nov. 13 letter to the editor sounds like he is a sore winner.

This is America. The right to free speech. We have the right to compare our president to whomever we please.

Our commander in chief has our sons and daughters dying for that right now.

Mr. Murray has a right to be insulted.

Rex Rhoades has a right to say what he pleases. Mr. Murray shouldn’t get angry. That’s insulting.

Mr. Murray called President Clinton a scoundrel. I forgot Republicans have the market on insults. Thank God, in America you have that right. So, I’m not angry.

Ooops! Is it OK for a Democrat to use the word God?

I respect Mr. Murray’s opinion. He believes that Rhoades is a poor American and a poor loser.

I have no opinion on Mr. Murray’s patriotism. But it does sound like he is an angry, sore winner.

I am a Vietnam veteran. I hated that war, and I hate this one even more.

I love, respect, honor, thank and fully support our men and women in uniform.

Bush lied to us and forced this country into the wrong war, at the wrong time, in the wrong place. America’s sons and daughters are dying daily because of it. Is that an act of morality?

Don’t take the lives of the unborn. It’s so much more moral to wait until they turn 18 and then send them needlessly to their death.

Now I’m getting angry and insulted.

Guy Mahon, Auburn

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