I feel compelled to respond to the Nov. 6 letter “Reconsider” from Ron Gauthier of Greene concerning his assessment of the role and salary of our town manager position.

Greene has been very lucky to have had the guidance of the present town manager for the last several years. He has brought a new level of expertise and caring to this position that has long been needed in our community.

I can assure citizens that he has handled his position in a way that has always put the interests of our town first. His dedication to Greene can be easily observed by looking at the growth our community has seen under his stewardship. The monies he has brought to our town through his grant writing have benefited us greatly as well.

As a long-term member of the town’s Budget Committee, I have seen firsthand what a qualified town manager can do for Greene.

I, for one, do not wish to go back to the way things were with a less qualified person at the helm.

There is an old saying that applies here, “You get what you pay for.”

We need to turn out in great numbers at the March town meeting in order to appropriately fund the position of town manager. I hope to see many new faces at that time.

Brenda Theriault, Greene

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