What is it with five weeks?

Five weeks before the general election, Auburn ran a special election to vote for a new school.

Five weeks after the general election, Lewiston ran a special election to vote for a new school.

Five weeks after he was elected with the support of thousands of Republican voters and campaign workers, state Sen. Art Mayo of Bath decided to betray the trust of the voters and supporters. Elected as a Republican candidate, he has switched parties and is now a Democrat. I say, “Good riddance and don’t let the door hit you on the backside on the way out.”

The much-needed new schools in Auburn and Lewiston would have passed with flying colors in any election. Why manipulate the election system in an obvious effort to keep the voters from having their say? In Lewiston, only 2.95 percent of the voters turned out to vote.

A tip of the hat to the school lobbies and Art Mayo. Good politics. I know you are pleased with yourselves.

Politics is apparently all about winning these days. Is there no shame? No depths that one will sink to gain a win or a committee chairmanship?

I hope that the elected Democrat legislators from Androscoggin County will call on Sen. Mayo to resign and rerun his race as a Democrat. After all, you are known by the company you keep. I would hope they would not accept a scoundrel with open arms.

Or would they?

Bob Stone, Lewiston

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