I am a boy who really enjoys life.

I wonder why you’d prefer to be a hippy.

I see The hobo who got back on his feet and still smells bad.

I hear the joyous cry of “Hey brother, spare a dime.”

I want to rid the world of Hippy Stench.

I am a boy who really enjoys life.

I imagine the world with no hippies or hobos.

I feel bored when writing about hobos and hippies.

I touch the lives of hobos by dropping pennies, hundreds of pennies, in their cans.

I worry about what the hobos will spend their change on.

I cry when hippies don’t take showers.

I am a boy who really enjoys life,

I understand why hippies stink.

I say, take a shower you filthy hippy.

I dream of ridding the world of hippy stench.

I try to teach the misinformed about personal hygiene.

I hope to get all hobos jobs so they don’t crowd the streets.

I am a boy who really enjoys life.

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