This is in response to the Peter Brown column of Jan. 7. Brown has a duty and a responsibility to choose his words wisely when writing a column. His comments regarding religious observance and charitable giving appears to infer that we “in the blue states” do not stand on equal ground with folks in the South, Midwest and the Rockies. He seems to take great liberty in lumping “John Kerry’s America” into a moral category of being churchless, selfish and, dare I say, unpatriotic. I happen to have voted for Kerry due to the dishonest slant and the divisive election policies of the current administration. I voted for President Bush in 2000.

There is only one United States of America. If we can’t discuss our opinions freely and openly, then we lose the ability to weigh all arguments when deciding the right course of action. Our country deserves to have an environment where expressing different views is defended and cherished. However, we must refrain from sliding into a debate where morality and patriotism is questioned. Such a course promotes an Orwellian society where conformity is the rule and individualism is frowned upon.

Charitable giving is a personal matter; however, our government has the opportunity and responsibility to represent us and our values at a time when the world questions our country’s moral standing. Given the time for debate, I think our government is doing that.

Don Dostie, Greene

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