Concerning Social Security, as an employee for many years earning very low wages, it took every penny to live on. We all know that the costs of rent, food, insurance and other expenses keep going up. How can people save money for Social Security or anything else?

News on TV related how Enron cheated people out of life savings. Many lost most of their retirement money. So how can one feel safe about investing money for one’s Social Security? Few of us know anything about investing money. I see all this as another way to rip off people. Who can be trusted nowadays?

People rely on Social Security to live on, pay rent, buy food and pay other bills. If Social Security is taken away, the whole county will go broke at every level of society.

What happened to Social Security money many paid into, but never collected, since some people died before being eligible to collect? Who got the money?

Gabrielle DeMoras, Lewiston

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