I would urge the voters of the town of Greene to come out in force to vote in the upcoming contest for the board of selectmen on March 4 and at the annual town meeting on March 5 to be held at Greene Central School. A single vote can make a difference.

We, the voters, must keep Greene moving forward into the 21st century. In the past several years, we have seen positive growth in our community. The addition of a new fire station and a renovated elementary school with a much needed new addition have done much for our children and all of the rest of the community. It is my understanding that we may soon have a new addition to our library as well.

In order to continue moving in a positive direction, we must have dedicated and professional representatives willing to work together for the betterment of the town.

Because I wish to see our community continue to move forward, I will be voting for Tony Reny and Mark Christman for the board of selectmen.

Brenda Theriault, Greene

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