Several years ago, I joined AARP. That led to my receiving their literature. It didn’t take me long to decide that the AARP is an absolutely awful organization.

I wrote to it to discontinue my membership, as I found a clear agenda of to hell with our children and grandchildren.

I love my family much too much to continue supporting the organization’s far left, ultraliberal positions. No wonder it openly supports Democrats.

I’m now a member of two other senior organizations that believe, as I do, in supporting small government, are pro-business (that create jobs), believe in the sanctity of marriage, health savings accounts, are in opposition to trial lawyers’ frivolous lawsuits, support the elimination of the death tax on Social Security benefits (started in 1983, with a huge increase by the Clinton administration in 1993 and heavily supported by AARP), and other matters.

I should add that I also believe that most AARP members don’t really know what the leadership espouses, i.e., socialism, which is very close to communism.

And, in addition to the several businesses that they operate, including a recently signed agreement to promote certain stores, insurance sales, etc., they are supported by tens of millions of dollars from taxpayers.

It is time for AARP members to start asking serious questions of the leadership.

Marcel R. Morin, Lewiston

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