I am so tired of seeing fund-raisers for overseas disasters. We have our own people here in this state who are drastically being affected by budget cuts. Why can’t people see that organizations in their own state need their help, too?

This state has targeted crucial organizations. All programs and organizations that benefit special needs children and their families, as well as adults with disabilities and the elderly, have had funding cut dramatically or will this fall. These programs will not be able to adequately serve our elderly and disabled in the way they had set out to do.

Most of these programs advocate and offer support to parents and families that are caring for the disabled. All these programs, especially for the disabled children, are in great need of donations. There is one organization in particular that is being cut $360,000 come this fall. That is outrageous.

This state wants people to believe that education and children are important. I feel that state officials are sending a negative message to families who need these services.

There is much that families who are not raising or taking care of a disabled person take for granted. I hope that this state soon can start focusing on its own communities instead of other countries. The elderly and disabled of this state truly need help.

Jessica Perry, Temple

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