There was a time that I thought gridlock in the affairs of government was a very negative process. As we have seen government at work, however, there is a very conservative value in keeping the process of change at a moderate pace. One of the more effective means of accomplishing this has been the filibuster.

Today, the filibuster itself is under attack, as the majority party seeks to impose a “nuclear option” to eliminate it. A prime reason that the current majority seeks this is to ram through the appointment of ultraconservative judges (one frequently mentioned is Janice Rodgers Brown of California, likely to overturn such items as the 40-hour workweek, the minimum wage, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act), who will serve an extremist agenda.

The very concept of using judges as political instruments from either the left or the right is utterly abhorrent. Balance and an open mind are key elements in a judicial appointment. I would urge all fellow Americans to rise with me to support the right to filibuster, and allow governments to represent all people, maintaining moderation in our rate of change so that the subtle and wonderful qualities of our democracy will continue to serve our country well.

Jim Wellehan, Auburn

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