Howard Dean came on in front of a microphone recently to say that Christians are all alike and all white; that they are only looking to their own interests. He as much as said Christians are mean.

I believe Ted Kennedy had the same platform against Christians.

Well, the majority of poor people and countries are supported by the so-called mean people (Christians).

When was the last time Kennedy or Dean gave to the poor, or helped out to distribute food to the poor or clothed or fed the homeless? Seems to me that words are cheap, along with ideas, that have no foundation to build on.

Ricky Nelson had a popular recording many years back that was about how fools rush in where wise men fear to tread. I believe that fits Howard Dean.

Our nation was founded on the principle of for the people and by the people. Last I looked, Christians are people, too, and they are of all colors, all nationalities.

John Bean, New Gloucester

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