As a longtime Independent, I have always voted for the person I thought would best represent the voters. Voting a party line has always seemed to me to be selling your vote, or worse yet, voting without thinking for yourself.

These times, this Congress and this administration have somehow convinced many people there is no reason to think for yourself; just accept whatever the party line is. Then, to further solidify their stance, they wrap the whole thing up in religion.

The administration, to give it its due, has raised spin to a new art form. So much so that their followers slap “Support Our Troops” banners everywhere, thereby taking the people’s minds off the question of what we are doing in Iraq in the first place. It’s so effective that we ignore the fact that al-Qaida was never in Iraq until we got there; that there are over 1,700 dead Americans; over 15,000 wounded and over 100,000 Iraqis dead.

So what does our Congress do? They get together and try to pass a law against burning the flag, conveniently forgetting that burning is the only accepted way of disposing of the flag.

As a retired military veteran of two wars, I don’t need anyone to tell me to support our troops. I do, however, need some simple things from my government: honesty, adherence to the Constitution, representation for all Americans, not just the wealthy, and health care.

Do I expect too much?

Dick Rosenberg, Lewiston

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