Mainers should be very proud of Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins for their diligence in explaining to the BRAC Commission the importance of keeping our military bases open. In the last decade, threats to close facilities in Brunswick and Portsmouth have been hotly debated by the Department of Defense, and it was a known fact that the issue was not going away. Base closure was on the front burner during the Clinton administration and the issue came close to realization several times.

Several letter writers have expressed the idea that Pentagon officials or the president are using politics as a reason for base closure, citing “disloyalty by the two senators.” I would remind those ill-advised thinkers that both our senators support the president’s agenda the majority of the time and are in good standing with the president and his administration. To suggest that the president or the Pentagon would close bases in Maine merely for political payback, which would jeopardize the country’s national security, clearly illustrates total disregard for the independent BRAC Commission and indirectly accuses our president of treason.

Sens. Snowe and Collins have gathered respect from around the country, and Mainers admire their tenacity, objectivity, fair issue assessments and constituent loyalty. Both senators have deep roots in Maine and loyalty runs strong in their families. They have been in the forefront of the BRAC issue and deserve accolades for their perseverance. Strong support would serve them better than distorted criticism.

Rosemarie Butler, Lewiston

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