Almon Jordan Jr. and other right-wing Christians apparently believe that morality is entirely about other people’s sexual behavior. That is a very narrow point of view.

Morality also means caring about the welfare of others.

Is it moral to provide more tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class?

Is it moral to pay top CEOs over 300 times the annual salaries of their workers? And for stockholders to receive ever-growing profits from businesses where workers receive low wages and pay excessive costs for health care? And for American workers’ jobs to be outsourced to other countries?

Is it moral to destroy the environment for the sake of personal profit?

Is it moral to be one of the few major countries where health care is not provided for everyone? And is it right for the new Medicare drug benefit to be a benefit chiefly to drug companies?

Is it moral for individuals to inherit millions of dollars and pay no estate taxes?

Is it moral to attack social programs that have kept so many elderly and handicapped people from living at below-poverty levels?

Maybe we should start thinking about these moral issues as well.

Ellen Field, New Gloucester

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