This is in response to letters printed recently about the incident in Rangeley where a substitute teacher slapped a student.

One writer suggested that the student should have been arrested. For what?

No one has bothered to ask what kind of person the student is. They don’t know the facts, so they shouldn’t judge. She is a good student, who comes from a very loving home, with parents who discipline if and when needed. She has never been in trouble. She plays sports, baby-sits for many families, and is very respectful of people’s feelings.

What kind of teacher slaps a student just because the student asks what the next assignment is in a louder voice?

If this girl was so out of control, she should have been sent to the principal’s office. The teacher should not have taken it in her own hands to discipline.

Believe me, if this girl was out of control, the principal, superintendent and her parents would have dealt with her.

The parents of this girl are not pushing the charges, the law is.

Susan White, Phillips

(aunt of the girl in question)

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