Someone once said, “Another difference between death and taxes is that death is frequently painless.”

Forget that. The small western Maine town of Industry may be taxing the plot you’re planted in if selectmen have their way.

The Sun Journal of Jan. 4, Franklin County section, mentioned a family cemetery, a burial ground, being taxed in that town.

Could it be possible that the town’s selectmen have a personal issue with that family?

Maybe the town’s outgoing selectmen ought to stop stomping on that family burial ground and let it rest in peace.

A friend from the Maine Revenue Services commented, “How much value can one-quarter acre of land have?”

This is insane.

“Look out, Bob,” my friend warned. “Don’t get planted on a hill in Industry or you might get taxed for the view.”

I’ve instructed my spouse to plant me anywhere but in Industry. The way town officials are thinking, it soon may cost too much to be buried in the town of Industry.

Bob Burton, Industry

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