There are only two towns in the Southern Maine Planning Region without a current Land Use Ordinance. Brownfield is one.There are problems with the existing Land Use Ordinance that impact our town’s ability to gain state and federal funding.

Several years ago, an organization came to Brownfield with the intent to build senior housing. Because of the way the town’s current ordinance is written, nothing could be done and the town lost the opportunity to care for our seniors here. That’s a shame.

The Land Use Ordinance Committee has tried to address the concerns of all residents. The meetings are open to the public. There is common ground on this issue. We all want what is best for Brownfield, whether we were born here or made the choice to live here. Each voter in Brownfield has the opportunity to help guide the future of the town or to let it continue without any planning or purpose for its future. This ordinance is much less restrictive than the last one.

Land use ordinances historically benefit the towns that adopt them. Brownfield’s will determine specific districts to ensure that residential areas remain that way, and establish a business district to encourage growth that will help our tax base. There will also be a village district that should encourage growth and bring back the beautiful village that Brownfield once had.

The committee supports Article 7 at the Feb. 14 special town meeting.

Barbara Gartland, Brownfield

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