I punished myself by sitting through the 2006 State of the Union address the other night. Amazing performance. Punch lines galore. No substance. Even Rep. Mike Michaud thought he heard some promising thoughts. But, like me, Michaud quickly reversed field.

The president promised to cut the national debt by one-half, by when – 2008? Let’s not forget that little gem. In the same breath, he demands those tax breaks for his rich buddies be made permanent. Then, next day he says he will sign a so-called budget bill passed by the House that cuts student loans, Medicare and Medicaid and even child care.

Bush’s State of the Union fiction ignored the corruption that has infected his clueless gang on the Hill and the White House. He had a lot of platitudes about “working together” and “putting partisanship aside.” His passing recognition of the Gulf Coast was on the order of “We won’t let you down” – six months after Katrina. And Iraq, more glowing claims of success while the place is in chaos. And, all of a sudden, energy is a big deal. We must find alternative sources. Where the heck has he been?

And add the phone-tapping scandal.

At least the real King George of Revolutionary times didn’t try to hide his tyranny. Are we ripe for another revolution?

Bloodless on Nov. 7, it’s time for the red states to get with it and turn the rascals out.

Jack McKee, Kingfield

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