As many students at Tripp Middle School know Mr. Wilson (the Wildcats science teacher) isn’t the old, same old, same old science teacher. He likes to look at assignments and see how we could learn them in a way that is more interesting.

As you know we just had a 2 week holiday vacation and our minds aren’t exactly tuned on to school. Us being kids we can’t just start where we left off in our program. That’s why Mr. Wilson thought of a project that got us warmed up to the program, again. Each of the tables we sit in were made into groups and were given a certain section of the book to make a poster, game, slide show, etc. that would refresh our memory on the chapter.

Immediately paper was ripped from the thousands of feet Mr. Wilson has on a huge roll. Mr. Wilson has stashed colored pencils and they were already being sharpened . Excitement filled the air as creative ideas for posters, games and slide shows were talked about. Since I was given the part of the cell cycle our group started making a poster of the stages of the cycle. But since class is only 80 minutes long and the better part of the 80 minutes was already taken up, before long class was over and our ideas were put on hold until next class (two days later).

Even though our ideas were held for two days they were still as fresh as the first day and we were ready to start working. Excited kids rushed around the room as they put the final touch on their posters. “Stop working!” Mr. Wilson’s voice boomed around the room. Anxious hands darted across the table as we made last minute adjustments to our projects.

All in all, I say everyone did great on their projects and I think it was great way to settle down after a long vacation. Thanks Mr. Wilson.

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