Will people feel safer if the federal government can track anyone possessing a driver’s license with an “internal passport” in the guise of a “Real ID”?

The act creating that unfunded mandate was slipped through Congress in May 2005 in a “must-pass” Iraq war/tsunami relief supplemental bill without normal congressional review and legislative deliberation. So much for the democratic process.

Aren’t there enough ways for the federal government and private security companies to keep track of us already?

And besides, having a centralized national data collection system will create more opportunities for identity thieves.

The recent incident at Hannaford is evidence of how vulnerable people are already. Beyond that, ID documents do not reveal anything about evil intent; and determined terrorists can always obtain fraudulent documents.

Can we reasonably assume anyone without a driver’s license is a potential threat?

In addition, there is nothing in the law prohibiting stores, malls, public buildings or a doctor’s office from requiring people to swipe as they enter.

What will happen if a person forgets his or her “Real ID” license?

With a budget crisis in this state, is there a need to expand bureaucracy and burden the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to the tune of an estimated $185,000,000 for the first five years of implementation of a privacy nightmare?

It is time for the governor and state legislators to stand up to the Washington crowd and just say no!

Russell Jabaut, Durham

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