I commend Robert Bruce Acheson for his letter (March 8). He brings to our attention the arrogance of the Federal Reserve in its refusal to be accountable to the United States Congress concerning the amount of money being wasted for its bail-out scheme.
This arrogance is amplified when one considers that the Constitution gives the responsibility for regulating the country’s money supply to the same Congress that the Federal Reserve refuses to be accountable to.
According to the book “Blood, Money and Greed,” by Cliff Ford, the American Revolution was fought over money as much as anything else.
Although this revolution gave America freedom from foreign rule, 137 years later, the control of our money supply was handed over to a “Central Bank” along with the freedom that went with that control. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal, nor is it a reserve. I believe that it is a globally interdependent syndicate. All members are privately owned banks that loan us our money at interest. Is it too late for Congress to face up to those who are usurping the wealth of America for their own profit? The public needs to know the opinions of elected officials. Why is the nation’s money supply in the hands of people other than themselves?
Voters still have the power of the ballot box at their disposal. Are they willing to use it before it is too late?
Charles J. Glazier, Rumford

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