This is in response to Stephen Wessler’s guest column, printed April 19, in which he wrote that if same-sex marriage legislation didn’t pass, he was afraid that gay and lesbian students would be called second-class citizens.
According to the Bible, God is strictly against homosexuality, and I have a few words of my own.
The issue of same-sex marriage should be decided by the voters of this state. Let the majority decide if it’s legal, not a group in Augusta, or in state courts such as what occurred in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Iowa.
Now that the legislation has passed, what’s next? Will elected officials legalize prostitution, drugs or polygamy?
With the nation on a downhill turn in recent years, we shouldn’t legalize same-sex marriage. It goes along with the loss of respect for others. Who knows what real love is today?
God deserves better treatment than he is getting, after all he’s done for us, and someday, he’ll say enough is enough.
Bert Godin, Lewiston

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