100 years ago, 1909

William Plummer has retired from the Lewiston Brigade band
after long service. Mr. Plummer has been a base horn player for 51
consecutive years and is recognized as a master of that instrument. He
played in the war of 61 and also in the Spanish-American War and as he
says, during the “band war” in Lewiston and Auburn when there were
seven bands here.

50 years ago, 1959

Parents living in the Lewiston City Park area were warned yesterday by
police against allowing their children of five years or younger to play
in the park without supervision. Capt. Rene L. Larrivee said there were
many young children playing in the park and they were creating a
problem for motorists.
A 3-year-old boy was struck by a car yesterday noon near Park and
Spruce streets, where a similar accident occurred less than a week ago.
Larrivee advised parents to keep a closer watch on their children’s
activities in order to avoid these mishaps.

25 years ago, 1984

With two weeks remaining before a non-binding referendum, Lewiston
City Administrator Lucien B. Gosselin is urging voters to approve
bonding $1.4 million so the city’s police station can be modernized and
law enforcement efforts improved. A longtime advocate of a new station,
Gosselin said Friday the city needs a new building to provide proper
facilities for a modern police department.
New facilities, Gosselin said, will improve LPD’s efforts. According to
him, the changes needed are things that can never be done properly in
the department’s present home in the basement of City Hall.

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