My years at Pettingill School, 1943-1945, were memorable. There were great teachers.

My first grade teacher, Miss Campbell, got married late in life. She lived on Summer Street in Lewiston.

Miss Ruth Holgate, teacher of second and third grade, was also the principal.

During my third grade year, we moved to Elm Street. That was in May of 1945. I finished that year walking to school.

Our lunches were in the school’s basement, with long tables and long benches.

I remember that one day when I was sick, the teacher called my mother to come get me, but we didn’t have a car so my mother said she would call a taxi. Instead, Mr. Richards, the janitor, took me home in his car. In those days, the hill to go up was made of ledge. It must have been in the winter because his car could not make it. He covered me in a blanket and walked the rest of the way. What a wonderful man he was. My mother paid him.

What a devoted and dedicated man he was.

Shirley Fox, Lewiston

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