‘Sweetie Stats’ help for the forgetful, great for blissful bonding


By Dagny Leonard



Just because you’ve vowed to live together forever doesn’t necessarily mean you know everything about the one you’re living with. How well do you really know your spouse? Sure, you know the basics, but some of the details might be lacking. “Sweetie Stats,” a pair of journals with prompts composed by Nancy and Ryan Deane, not only tests your spousal knowledge, but also helps you learn all the things you need to know.

The two 48-page booklets – one for man, one for wife – have fill-in-the-blanks that cover everything from what radio station your spouse listens to in the car to what they would do with $20 at a 7-Eleven. And let’s not forget all the practical things like ring sizes, favorite movies, birthdays and anniversaries, and all the information on extended family (that, let’s face it, you’re never going to remember on your own) to help keep you in good stead throughout all the special occasions of married life.

An added perk? It’s fun! Filling out the booklets together will be one-of-a-kind bonding time with your significant other.

Sweetie Stats is available for $7.95 from Chronicle Books

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