FARMINGTON – Residents will gather for a special town meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Community Center to vote on six articles.

A citizen’s petition prompted the meeting and asked for the town to reconsider funding for the Abused Women’s Advocacy Project and to approve the original funding request of $5,000.

After the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee recommended not funding the agency this year, voters decided to not appropriate any funds during the March town meeting.

Over 400 signatures were collected calling for a special town meeting at which voters could reinstate the funding. The town has contributed to the agency over the past 25 years.

The town will also consider whether to allow town employees to serve on the Budget Committee provided only two employees from any department serve and they abstain from voting on the budget from the department where they are employed.

Voters will be asked to approve bonds for a wastewater pump upgrade and sewer main replacement work. The Department of Agriculture will provide a combination of grant money and low-interest financing to fund the sewer main replacement work. Selectmen anticipate grants from the Department to cover nearly 70 percent of the total cost of the projects.


The town is also asked to authorize selectmen to exchange quit claim deeds for property on Front Street with Jon and Lois Bubier.

The exchange would create a border on the west side of Front Street where the Bubier’s intend to construct a new building to house two or three small businesses on the main level and a tavern on the lower level.

The final article asked the town to approve amending the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance to include revisions consistent with state requirements.

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