DIXFIELD – Kayla Chiasson, a Dirigo High School senior and a member of the Dunham Chapter, National Honor Society, has been named one of the 53 state winners of a National Honor Society scholarship from the National Association of Secondary School Principals.

One hundred and fifty state finalists were first chosen from among more than 6,000 applicants. From the 150 finalists, 53 state winners were selected. Each state winner will receive as $1,500 college scholarship.
“We are proud to recognize Chiasson for her outstanding achievements and contributions to her school,” said David Cordts, associate director, NHS.
“Students nominated for the NHS scholarship not only demonstrate academic excellence, but also extraordinary performance in service, leadership and character, traits that are more important today than ever before,” Cordts said. “In recognizing leadership and involvement in student activities as well as strong academic performance, the NHS scholarship acknowledges the importance of a well-rounded education. Cocurricular student activities help all students grow and are an essential part of the school curriculum.”
While at Dirigo, Chiasson has been vice president of the state National Honor Society, secretary of the Dunham Chapter, on the Student Council for three years, captain of her softball and cheerleading teams, in Interact for two years, a Big Brothers Big Sisters volunteer for two years, a member of the FBLA and a participant in the leadership conference held in SAD 21. She volunteered in a fifth-grade class at Dirigo Elementary School.
Outside of school, Chiasson worked at Bartash while participating in dance, tap, jazz and ballet. This fall she plans to attend the University of Maine at Farmington, where she will study education.

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